Rich home renovation in Miami

People decide to change their address for various reasons. Better job opportunities, marriage, the arrival of children, or the simple urge to change surroundings. Florida is a state that attracts over 330,00 new residents each year. That means that a city slightly larger than Orlando moves is added to Florida’s population each year. Are you planning to move to Florida? Cities like Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, and Naples present excellent choices who are here for the warm climate and outdoor activities. But before you start planning anything you should be aware that you should get professional assistance. For the best possible deals, we advise you to contact your local movers Florida. Ask about terms and moving quotes. But the moving process is far from over when the moving truck unloads all those boxes at your new doorstep. You still have to unpack and make your new home suitable for living. What if you need to do some redecoration and refurbishment? Well if that is the case, in this article you can find useful advice for rich home renovation in Miami.

Avoid rich home renovation in Miami by doing in-depth research of your new property

If you are buying a new home you will most probably find something that you don’t like and decide to change it according to your taste and preferences. Repainting walls and changing furniture is a task that requires time and devotion but it pales into insignificance when compared with major, structural repairs. These repairs take a lot of time and money, so watch out for these signs if you wish to avoid unexpected costs when buying a new home.

  • Structural damage. Check if the house has cracked and leaning walls, rotten foundations, or leaking roof. Even if the initial price of the hose is low, all those repairs can potentially make the investment not worthy.
  • Woodworms like common furniture bug can make serious damage to timber used in foundations, roofs, and walls. Also, don’t forget to check for traces of other pests like rats and mice.
  • Electrical installations and plumbing

Even if the house has structural problems it doesn’t mean you have to turn the offer down. Just do the math and see if the investment is within your budget.

Picture of crumbling walls
Instead of doing structural renovations, it is better to closely inspect your new home before buying

The home renovation calls for good organization and professional assistance

Renovating a home is a complex task that should not be taken lightly. Especially if the house is not in good shape and there is a lot of work to be done. You want to make your new place look like a home, and the first step in that direction is to make some sort of a plan.

  • Go around the house and take notes of things you would like to change. Don’t like bathroom tiles? Do you find wall paint and kitchen cabinets tacky? Write it down. Keep all your drawings, ideas and contacts in one place.
  • Now when you have a list of everything you would like to change, proceed to make a financial plan. Determine your budget and stick to it. Take your time, do one project at a time and don’t rush. Also, spend money where it is really necessary and make cuts on stuff that is not too important.
  • Get professional assistance. You can find quality contractors and handymen online or on local ad boards. But the best way to find reliable and experienced partners is to ask friends for a recommendation.

    Determine your budget before rich home renovation in Miami
    Establish a budget for renovation and don’t make cuts on stuff that is really important

Prepare your home for the renovation process

You must be aware that during rich home renovation in Miami you will have to change your daily routines and habits. Structural changes tend to be dirty, noisy and to last for several days. Therefore, it would be advisable to find yourself a place to live until the job is finished. Such ambiance is not suitable for sleeping and your overall health. Regardless of that fact, you should show up to check on progress now and then. We advise you to spend those few days at your friend’s place or rent a hotel room. Next, you should prepare the space for the works. Remove all furniture and place it in another room. Miami storage faciities present an excellent solution for protecting your expensive furniture.  Be sure to check if they meet all the required standards. A storage unit must be secure, dry and easily accessible.

Picture of a modern living room
Choose furniture, style, and colors wisely for rich home renovation in Miami

Rich home renovation in Miami additional tips

When you decide to renovate your home there are a few tricks that you should remember:

  • You must have a clear vision in mind. Get a blueprint of your home and carefully plan every step. Measure rooms and buy furniture according to those measures.
  • Experiment with colors and styles but don’t do it too much. If you wish to avoid that furniture catalog look, you should add your personal mark and the best way to do this is to mix things up a bit. But you should be careful and limit your color palette and stick to a unique theme.
  • Try to work what you already have. See if you can sell, donate or throw away some of your belongings to save money. Next, buy new furniture that matches with pieces you intend on keeping.
  • Add mirrors if you don’t have enough daylight. Mirrors reflect light create optical illusion of depth and make rooms look more spacious.
  • The key is in the simplicity. Remember that minimalism and simple solutions often make the biggest impressions.

These were some of our tips for rich home renovation in Miami. Remember that renovating your home is much more than a simple investment. This is the place where you will spend most of your free time and raise your children so it should be adjusted according to your needs and preferences. Follow our advice closely and trust your imagination and ideas. Good luck and stay positive.