Moving during a difficult time – how to handle it?
There are times in our lives when nothing goes according to plan. Difficult times are also when we go through something like a divorce, the death of a loved one, depression, or something similar. It is a really hard period in which moving would be the last thing on your mind. However, sometimes you have to move for work, and your boss probably does not care about your state of mind. Furthermore, if you think about it, a long-distance move is maybe what you actually need. Looking at this matter in a positive manner can change the way you perceive the moving process. That is the reason we created this article. How to handle moving during a difficult time? Read on and find out!

Why is moving during a difficult time bad?
Moving is a hard process. It is even harder when you are going through a tough time. You need to have a positive outlook on the whole endeavor for it to succeed. We will now list several things you need to do to keep your mind focused on moving and handle it better. So, without any further ado, let’s dive in!
Proper organization when moving during a difficult time
With so many things you have to think about during your move, it is wise to be properly organized. Proper organization is vital to everything in life and that applies to moving as well. Difficult time or not, you need to know what you need to do and when. This will help you a lot in time management and efficiency. So, one of the best steps in organizing your move is creating a moving checklist. A moving checklist is a list of all the things you need to do during the moving process. From the beginning to the end. From looking for Kendall Movers to unpacking.
In addition, another thing that can help with your organization is creating a moving inventory. A moving inventory is a list of all the things you plan on moving. This is important because the price of the move will rise or fall depending on the amount of stuff you have. More weight means more expensive move, so keeping track of what you have is a sure way to create proper organization.
A great way to organize your inventory is by selecting labels. You can either select boxes by room, or by type. It is recommended that you divide by room, as suggested by many pro movers in Miami. Therefore, take colored stickers and select a color for each room. Write down the colors on your inventory list and put stickers on the boxes corresponding to the label. This will help you a lot when unpacking in your new home. It will also take your mind away from thinking about your difficult situation.
Look at the move in a positive manner
Keeping a positive mindset is very important when moving during a difficult time. This is because moving to a new town, neighborhood, or country can be very lifechanging. A new surrounding is what usually drives people to experience new things and grow new dreams and desires. You will also get away from the place which is making you depressed or leave the place where you shared memories with your deceased loved one. Getting yourself away from those places can positively impact your outlook on life. There will be fewer things and situations that remind you of the cause of your difficult time and you will start your new life on fresh terms. Statistics have shown that this is one of the best ways to handle difficult events in people’s lives.
Selling or donating stuff
Selling or donating stuff that reminds you of a loved one that passed away or something other that makes you relive the traumatizing memories is a good way to deal with the whole situation. There are several ways to do this and we will talk about all of them now. The most important thing is that you cannot have mercy. If something reminds you of a situation, you need to get rid of that item in order to reduce the possibility of your depression taking form again. Let’s see how can you sell these items.
Having a garage sale while moving during a difficult time
A garage sale is a perfect way to sell everything you do not want. Removing these items from your life and earning money while doing so. It is a win-win situation! After making an inventory of things you want to sell, it is time to start organizing the sale and advertising. Advertising your sale is one of the most important things when organizing a garage sale. You can start by printing out flyers and posters. Hand the flyers around your neighborhood, and put up the posters on notice boards. You can even “hire” your friends to hand out flyers in exchange for free stuff or discounts on the sale. Furthermore, if you want your sale to be even bigger, you can create an event on Facebook and invite everyone. If you can ask your friends to share the event, the number of people will increase dramatically.
You can also donate the items to your family or your friends. You can even “bribe” them by offering free stuff if they help you with the moving process. If your family or friends do not want the items, go to your local charity organization and give the items to them. They know who needs them most and will promptly deliver them.
If all else fails, you can always put the items in some of the Miami storage facilities. They will be safe there until you decide what to do with them.
Moving during a difficult time will present challenges that only the prepared will be able to overcome. We hope that this article was helpful and that you will have an easier time during the moving process. With all that said, good luck with your move!