Ideas on how to move a music studio to another location
Are you wondering how to move a music studio? You’re definitely not the only one! Pro Movers Miami will help you handle the gear transportation, cable packing, and relocation logistics. Whenever there’s electronic equipment included in the relocation process, you should approach it very carefully. It’s easy to get excited about another location and progress that you’re making – but make sure that all of your equipment is safe. To transfer to the new studio, you’ll need to prepare the equipment, and then find the movers that have experience in transferring similar items!
Clean out before you move a music studio
When we first start thinking about relocation, we often oversee this part of the process. As soon as you start procuring packing materials, you should also start cleaning the furniture and equipment that you want to transfer. Chances are that the equipment has dust, fingerprints, or other dirt on it. If the relocation takes some time, you don’t want your items packed together with the dirt because it can create discoloration on the equipment, or a small piece of dirt might fall inside and cause problems like overheating. In the end, who doesn’t want the new studio to look squeaky clean?
Declutter – sell what you don’t need
The next step to effective relocation is to declutter. When you leave certain items behind, your relocation process speeds up significantly! To declutter, start placing the items that you don’t need on one pile, and the ones that you want to keep on the other. When the process is over, the decluttering pile should be thrown out, donated or sold – depending on the state of the item. It’s okay to sell what you don’t need, even when it comes to some pieces of furniture and equipment. You can use the money to pay part of the bill for movers or to get new equipment! Decluttering isn’t only lessening the number of items that you have to deal with, it’s also lessening your relocation costs. The movers bill mostly for big and bulky items, so those are the ones that you want to concentrate on when you’re decluttering.
Get quality packing materials
Your items won’t be safe without quality packing materials. They’re one of the variables that you can fully control, and it directly impacts the outcome. All you need to do is to invest time in research and find exactly the materials that fit your needs. If you need to, you can also consult with moving companies and see if what you’re planning to do will protect your equipment enough. To get quality packing materials before you move a music studio:
- Rent the packing materials from moving local movers Miami
- Order the materials online
- Go to the DIY store and get them there
The first option is quite convenient because it sometimes costs less, you don’t have to waste your time thinking about how many of certain material rolls or boxes you need, and last but not least, you’ll have to unpack soon after you’ve moved because the movers will come to take the packing materials from you. This will stop you from procrastinating to unpack for a long time.
Pack the instruments and electrical devices carefully
When you’ve finished finding the materials, it’s time to put them to use. When you have an electronic device, go over it with a dry cloth to remove the dust, or slightly damp, just so that the dust and other particles stick more easily. The next step is placing the cardboard boxes on the flat sides of speakers, monitors, and similar items. After that, place the corner protection and wrap the items in bubble wrap. If you want to protect the corners in some other way, try placing sponges. The cardboard boxes that you’re placing your equipment in should be just slightly bigger than the sole equipment. That will prevent the items from moving inside of the box. After you place the electronic device in a box, label the box and leave it in the corner. When you’re packing furniture – for example, a studio chair, you’ll probably need to disassemble it. That way you’ll pack it way more easily.
How to pack the cables when you move a music studio
The cables are always causing problems, whenever electronic equipment is involved. To pack the cables, take each one and roll it in a circle with a certain diameter. When you’ve rolled the cables, squish the circle into something resembling an infinity sign, and tie the cables in the middle so that everything doesn’t open up. You can place the cables in the box, and if you have a lot of them, placing a row of packing papers and peanuts, then cables, and going that way up to the top of the box is okay. Cables are sturdy and you won’t damage them easily. If all of this seems like too much of a hustle, it’s best to find moving services Miami moving companies offer. It will help you have peace of mind during the relocation process. You’ll know that your studio will be transported safely.
Move a music studio with the help of the professionals
It’s easy to get stuck when you’re juggling a lot of things in your life, and relocation is definitely a time-consuming endeavor. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or you simply don’t have the time or the energy to fully devote yourself to the relocation and packing processes – leave all the gruesome tasks to Coconut Grove Movers. We’ll help you relocate your items fast and of quality, while making sure that all of the equipment is properly packed and handled. Who wouldn’t want to move a music studio without a hassle?