How to make moving easier on children
Depending on the circumstances moving can be both exciting and stressful. As a parent, your focus largely shifts from yourself to your children. Preserving the happiness and wellbeing of your child during stressful times, such as moving, becomes your priority. This said it is often hard for parents to balance between the necessary moving tasks, their own, and their children’s wellbeing. Luckily, there is professional help, such as Pro Movers Miami, you can hire to make the moving process easier on everyone. But, there are also ways to directly make moving easier on children, so you too can have as much of a stressless move as possible.
Keep your own stress level low
As a parent, it’s not hard to fall numb to our own needs when faced with the daily tasks and needs of our loved ones. And even though it’s very important to make moving stress-free for your children, it’s equally as important to make sure you take steps to ensure your own wellbeing of body and mind. This will allow you to take better care of your children, and complete tasks efficiently during a move. Here are some things you can do to secure your own wellbeing during a move.
1. Keep track of your budgeting and finances
Finances are often the most stressful part of a moving process. Budgeting and finding easy ways to save money can be the first step towards a stressless move. It is crucial to keep a track of your spending and plan well in advance. You can also boost your relocation budget by following a few simple steps. The extra money will put your mind at ease, and leave the room for any unplanned spending or unexpected circumstances. On top of that, the extra money can always be spent on family activities to de-stress during or after the move.
2. Hire a professional moving company
Trustworthy moving companies such as moving companies Plantation Florida can indirectly make moving easier on children by taking the stress off of you. Outsourcing a part of your tasks to a reliable professional will take a heavy load off your shoulders. This will allow you to spend more quality time with your children and provide better care for them during a move.
3. Be prepared for anything
Moving day itself is arguably the most demanding part of a move. During this time expecting the unexpected is always a good strategy. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid moving day disasters by considering what might go wrong and coming up with on the go solutions.
4. Actively de-stress
Taking precautions to lower the stress levels by planning is important, but it is easy to forget about the basic care our minds and bodies require to thrive. That’s why it’s of great importance to set some time aside each day to actively de-stress during a move.
Make moving easier on children
Children being children are very prone to fears, insecurities, and strong feelings in general. When moving with your child it is useful to understand that your child doesn’t see the world through your lens and might not comprehend the meaning of things as well as you do. That’s why you should handle your little ones with special care and understanding during hard times, which moving might prove to be for some children. Be mindful and caring so you can ensure an easy move for your kids.
Talk to your child
When moving with a child you should never keep the child in the dark. Let them know in advance what’s going on. Make sure you approach the subject gently and from the perspective your child will be able to understand. Try to convey important information about upcoming changes with care and understanding.
Listening to your child is arguably the most important part of securing a safe emotional environment for a move. Being wary of your child’s feelings and responding accordingly is what will make your child feel safe during this transition. Try not to respond with anger or fear since children use their parents for reference as to how they themselves should feel. However, some children might have a harder time adjusting than others, and in those cases, it might be prudent to consult a professional on tips on how to approach your child. Visiting a professional together with your child might be a good idea as well.
Keep up a steady routine
Children feel and function the best when they have a steady routine. This is so you can show your child that not everything is changing. A largely unchanged routine during a move will give children a sense of security they crave. An easy way to achieve this is to make a timetable of repeatable daily tasks, such as eating breakfast or brushing teeth, and then let the child check off the tasks from the list. Keep a consistent schedule whenever you can, and if changes are necessary, make sure to introduce them gradually.
Get your child excited
As hard as it might be, moving can also be very exciting for anyone. Here is a list of things how you could get your child excited for a move:
- Include your child in decisions regarding a new house. This can include choosing the color of their new room, or living room decorations. You could also take them house-viewing.
- Plan a going-away party. Planning a party will shift your child’s attention from a move to a fun activity of party planning. This will also allow your child to say goodbye to their friends.
- Visit the place you’re moving to with your child. If you’re moving to a new city it might be a good idea to acquaint yourself and your child with a place you’re moving to. This will give both you and your child an opportunity to find new places you will enjoy as a family in advance.
- Be creative. Help your child make a scrapbook of memories. You could also let your child decorate the moving boxes.
Be mindful of your child’s social connections
Children often root their identities and draw some sort of security from their friend group, especially during their teenage years. Regardless of your child’s age, it is important to preserve your child’s social connections, but also, if possible, build new ones in advance. It might be a good idea to get in contact with some parents from your child’s new school and connect the children before the move.
Love and support
This step might seem obvious, but it’s useful to remember that your child is most likely going through a tough time, and might need extra love and care. Always be on a lookout for your child’s feelings and arm yourself with nerves of steel and patience. Make sure your child understands you’re not going anywhere no matter what.
Even though moving can be stressful and hard for all parties, there certainly are ways to make moving easier on children and yourself. Staying positive, planning, and following healthy routines will ensure your and your children’s mental and physical health stay intact. Don’t shy away from asking for professional help, this can alleviate stress and provide the necessary support.