How to choose a good tenant for your rental in Davie, FL
People decide to pack their bags and move because of many different reasons. Sometimes it’s a better job position, and sometimes marriage or retirement. On the other hand, people in their 20s often change cities and states for studies. Regardless of the reason behind the decision to relocate, one thing is certain: professional movers will make the whole process a lot easier. For those moving because of studies, school movers Miami presents an affordable yet reliable solution. But what happens when you are on the other side of this whole relocation story. What happens when you are the landlord and searching for tenants? How to choose a good tenant for your rental? What some of the basic rules you must be aware of? What to pay attention to? Well, we have several tips that will help you in your quest, so stay with us to learn more.
There are some rules that you must respect
Miami is a diverse cultural, economic, and financial center that attracts many new residents each year. People from all over the world flock to the capital of Florida because of year-round warm weather and many business opportunities. Needless to say, Miami has many great neighborhoods, with Davie gaining in popularity in recent times. Contact moving companies Davie FL if you wish to organize a safe and efficient relocation. Miami is a huge melting pot where many different cultures and races intertwine, and for that reason, you must respect several rules when it comes to treating your tenants. Namely, according to the Federal Fair Housing Act, you must not discriminate against your tenants on the following criteria:
- Race and color of the skin
- Sex
- Religion and beliefs
- Nation of origin
- Disabilities
- Familial status (families with children)
A recommendation is the best way to choose a good tenant for your rental
A recommendation or word of mouth, as businessmen like to call it, tops any other type of marketing. According to the survey, at least 92% of consumers admitted that a recommendation is a leading reason why they buy some product or service. It’s just like when you are choosing a moving company. You will probably hire reliable FL movers which your friends recommended because you trust their judgment. What’s even more interesting is that this phenomenon applies to other spheres of life as well.
When people are choosing a tenant for their apartment, they will more likely accept someone with a recommendation, even if they have to lower the price a bit. Why is this? The logic behind this reasoning is quite simple, apartments are valuable property, and people want to be sure that their new tenants will take good care of their livelihood. So, if you have a friend who can guarantee you for a new tenant you should do your best and try to arrange a deal.
Don’t forget to inspect your potential tenant’s criminal records
Before you let someone move into your property you should check his criminal records. Know that this is public info and that it can be obtained at a police station or a courthouse. These are some of the most important records you should check:
- County Criminal Court dossier
- Federal Court Records
- Offender Info from the Department of Corrections
- Sexual Offender Database
- Statewide Criminal Records
Before you let a stranger in your apartment you must be certain that he has clean records
If you wish to choose a good tenant for your rental you must hold interviews
The first round of selection process should be based on the info you have received by e-mail. Ask your clients to send you the following documents:
- Government Issued Photo ID like a driver’s license or a passport.
- Income evidence
- Info about current address and contact
- References from employers and previous landlords
After you discard the first group of tenants, you should take some time and interview those who remain and see which tenant best suits your criteria. So, what are some of the most meaningful questions you could ask?
- Why have you chosen this apartment?
- How long are you planning to stay?
- Do you intend to have a roommate?
- Tell me more about your habits
- Do you have any pets?
- Are you smoking?
- Age and number of children
The best way to choose a good tenant for your rental is to conduct interviews
Check the financial background if you wish to choose a good tenant for your rental
One of the most important attributes of your new tenant is his or her solvency. What you must know is that financial stability is the essential component of any long-term partnership. Therefore, you must do your part before signing a contract and make some basic checkups of your client’s financial status:
- Is your new tenant employed? Call his employer and ask about his monthly earnings, and if he has a long-term contract.
- Check his income. Ideally, his income should be three times the rental price.
- Income to debt ratio. If your client’s debt takes most of his income you should look elsewhere.
In other words, if your tenant has a credit ratio of over 700, you should be safe. Everything under 600 is not a good sign.Before you pick your tenant you must make sure that he will be able to pay his rent
Take a look at his rental records
So you have decided that renting makes more sense than listing your Miami home. But you shouldn’t rent your home to the first person that shows up for the interview. You must check a few things before choosing your ideal tenant. One of the most applicable indicators when searching for a good tenant is previous rental records. You can call your tenant’s former landlords and ask for the following info:
- Does your new tenant have a history of paying rent on time?
- Has your new tenant ever been evicted for breaking the landlord’s rules?
- Did you new tenant ever damaged the owner’s property
- Did he keep his apartment clean?
- What about loud music?
- Did he respect his neighbors? Have they ever complained?
Additional tip
While all this info could help you choose a good tenant for your rental, the bottom line is that you should trust your instincts. If the person is friendly polite and wishes to stay long-term, you may have a perfect candidate.